Tuesday, July 19, 2011

# 4 discussion: July 19-August 4, Assisi, Italy

Hi travelers:

Now we begin the July 19 - August 4 discussion. ASSISI, ITALY is the focus of this next discussion.

[I do want to tell you that I added a new LINK about the painting Mona Lisa to the Florence, Italy page on Thursday, July 21. So, go back there are check it out ASAP. That painting is not IN Florence, but the information on this new LINK -- information about the painting and about Leonardo da Vinci -- is AMAZING.]

ALSO, when it comes to "finding your way around this blog," remember that you can click on the right-hand side "list," in order to get back to the information about Pompeii, Venice, and Florence. CONTACT ME if you have questions about how to "post your comments."]

THIS SPOT ON THE BLOG, (below, where it says "comments") is where you can post your ideas and participate in the Assisi discussion.

TO VIEW AND READ about Assisi, go to the right-hand side and click on "# 4, Assisi, Italy."

As you already know, I'm sure, Assisi, Italy is associated with two saints in the Catholic Church, St. Francis and St. Clare. Let's get started...


  1. Whenever I hear the word Assisi I think of the Saint! So I am excited to finally get to step foot there! It will be a good experience for me in my faith and education as well!

  2. Assisi looks amazing! It seems like a great place to really learn more about my religion and get closer to God. The churches sound and look beautiful! I'm very excited for this trip! Like Carly said it will definatly be a good faith experience and very educational!

  3. Hi travelers,

    It's July 29, and I am beginning to plan the TWO BLOG discussions for August. MOST of the August blogging will focus on ROME.

    This week I was pleased to see that many of you revisited the blog and started saying some more! Thank you. I think that it's very enjoyable to simply read your comments about the things that have surprised you or caused your excitement to build! Keep coming back to the blog and "contributing."

    Remember that you can go back to any of the discussions and add some thoughts or some questions.

    ONE MORE THING, and I have to smile when I write this! I agree that it would be fun to see the Mona Lisa, but if you go back and read what I previously wrote about that painting, you will realize that we would have to be going to the Louvre IN PARIS if we were going to see the original Mona Lisa painting. // I did add what I think is a VERY GOOD website about the painting. I included that on the blog BECAUSE so many people were inquiring about the painting. THE WEBSITE ABOUT the Mona Lisa is full of information about da Vinci. But LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, we won't be seeing that painting in Italy. (Smile, just like Mona Lisa.)

    Keep blogging. Would each of you PLEASE pick up your cell phones THIS WEEK and CALL one traveler who hasn't written anything on the blog all summer. See if you can bring some more travelers to the blog.

    The next "new" blog is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, August 1.


  4. Automatically i am reminded of St. Francis of Assisi. This brings me to believe that i may come to learn more about my faith and educate myself further on the studies of the catholic religion! i am constantly growing more excited about our trip to Italy and its many interesting and beautiful cities!

  5. As many people have stated, when I hear the word "Assisi" I think of St. Francis and St. Clare. Clearly, those two saints had a very large impact on the people of the city in order for them to have the city named after the saints. So the tour of this city will good chance for me to learn more about them and get a better spiritual connection. Churches and art seem to be a major aspect of this city. I am looking forward to seeing the variety of churches/basilica and art that they have to offer.

  6. I am looking forward to seeing Assisi, not only because of St. Francis, but because it looks beautiful. The Basilica of St. Francis looks incredible and the landscape is beautiful. I think it will be interesting to learn more about St. Francis because in my church we don't focus on many of the saints in mass. I know a little about St. Francis, but I'm looking forward to learning more. I am also looking forward to visiting the many other beautiful churches in Italy.

  7. Assisi looks great! I have always had a little devotion to St. Francis, and this information fuels it even more. St. Francis is an amazing saint. He was also very strong in the Faith. He once visited the Head of Islam and had a debate over religion. Although neither converted the other, the head of Islam was so impressed with St. Francis that he allowed St. Francis and all those with him and associated with him safe passage to the Holy Land. There is also the story when St. Francis first tasted bad food; at first he was having second thoughts about poverty, but, when he ate it, the food tasted better than anything he had ever eaten.
    I have always wanted to go to Assisi; and so I am very exhilarated to go there. It looks great!

  8. I am also looking forward to visiting the Basilica of St. Francis, it looks beautiful. I remember watching a moving about St. Francis and St. Clare in religion class last year and I am excited to learn more about them both. I can't wait for our trip!

  9. Assisi looks and sounds truly amazing! I had never really heard very much about St. Clare before. The information provided truly showed that she lived a very holy and fulfilling life. I think it is amazing that the Basilica contains St. Francis’ crucifix and some of St. Clare’s hair. Also I can’t wait to see the city that these two saints lived in. They truly are inspirations to any member of our faith. The story of St. Francis and the head of the Islam faith that John shared is interesting because a good relationship between our two faiths still has not been established!
