ROME! Next June we can roam around Rome!
St. Peter's Rome...
Popes...Vatican City
Roman Empire...
Holy Roman Empire...
Let's begin our viewing, reading, and blogging about ROME.
ART... ART... ART... ART... ART... ART... ART... ART...
The Borghese Gallery, or Galleria Borghese, is one of the top museums in Rome. The museum is housed in the gorgeous Villa Borghese mansion in the Borghese Gardens on the Pincio Hill and contains masterful marble sculptures by Bernini among other treasures.
Arts patron Cardinal Scipione Borghese, who was the nephew of Pope Paul V, commissioned the building of the Villa Borghese and its lush surrounding gardens from 1613-1616. Borghese used the villa as a home for entertaining as well as a place to display his growing art collection. The Cardinal collected antiquities and was among the first patrons of Baroque sculptor Gianlorenzo Bernini.
The Bernini sculptures that are in the Museo Borghese collection are some of his best works. They include "Apollo and Daphne," a stunning piece that conveys movement in marble, and "The Rape of Proserpina," an equally stunning composition in which Bernini managed to make marble appear as supple as skin. Bernini also sculpted a "David," the face of which was modeled on his own.
The Borghese Gallery, or Galleria Borghese, is one of the top museums in Rome. The museum is housed in the gorgeous Villa Borghese mansion in the Borghese Gardens on the Pincio Hill and contains masterful marble sculptures by Bernini among other treasures.
Arts patron Cardinal Scipione Borghese, who was the nephew of Pope Paul V, commissioned the building of the Villa Borghese and its lush surrounding gardens from 1613-1616. Borghese used the villa as a home for entertaining as well as a place to display his growing art collection. The Cardinal collected antiquities and was among the first patrons of Baroque sculptor Gianlorenzo Bernini.
The Bernini sculptures that are in the Museo Borghese collection are some of his best works. They include "Apollo and Daphne," a stunning piece that conveys movement in marble, and "The Rape of Proserpina," an equally stunning composition in which Bernini managed to make marble appear as supple as skin. Bernini also sculpted a "David," the face of which was modeled on his own.
VIDEO link to Borghese Gallery: (Very good!)
Churches in ROME: Here's a link!
The Colosseum in ROME: Photos! (Here's a link.)'S A NEW WORD FOR YOU: baldacchino
HERE'S A PICTURE OF THE BRONZE baldacchino in St. Peter's in Rome.
It was designed by Bernini.
You'll see this baldacchino the video clips below.
DEFINITION: A baldachin, or baldaquin (from baldacchino), is a canopy of state over an altar or throne. It had its beginnings as a cloth canopy, but in other cases it is a sturdy, permanent architectural feature, particularly over high altars in cathedrals.
Below, there are 3 VIDEO links which I believe each of you will enjoy very much. I recommend that you view them in the order they are listed below. Click on the link to view the videos.
VIDEO: St. Peter's Part 1
VIDEO: St. Peter's Part 1
VIDEO: St. Peter's Part 2
Si prega di spegnere i cellulari.
(Pronunciation: see preh-gah dee speh-nyeh-reh ee chehl-loo-lah-ree)
Answer: Please turn off your cell phones.
Here's a new Italian phrase to learn.
Dov'e la toilette?
English version: Where is the restroom?
Here is one more phrase for today:
Sorrida all'obiettivo.
(Pronunciation: sohr-ree-dah ahl-lohb-byeht-tee-voh)
English version: Smile for the camera.