Friday, July 29, 2011

discussion # 5: August 2-16, ROME, ITALY


(1) Let's try a new posting idea. Could you "post" a list of the things that come to you mind when you hear the word ROME?

(2) It's nice to see that some of the travelers are asking questions. We will be having TRAVEL meetings for a variety of purposes - including educational information, planning for the trip, attire, Mass times, and much more. We will discuss the climate in Italy in June (hot!) and what to pack and wear. We will discuss what is the required dress code in the Italian churches. Keep a list of your questions. ARE YOU USING THOSE COLORED SHEETS to take notes and jot down questions about our travels? FIND YOUR SHEETS and get ready to bring them to the first TRAVEL MEETING ... probably some time between mid and late September. Get yourselves a 3-ring binder for those colored sheets, please. We will give you some additional handouts as we prepare for the trip, and we'd like you to keep everything together in a 3-ring binder.

KEEP BLOGGING! New Rome information will be added. The 6th discussion of the summer begins on August 16.



  1. When I hear the word "Rome," I think of:
    - the Pope. John Paul II and Benedict XVI
    - Vatican City
    - St. Peter's Basilica
    - St. Peter's Square
    - the center of Catholicism
    - the Roman Colosseum

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for posting your ROME LIST, Derek.

    I hope others do the same.

    I invite all of you -- and remind all of you -- to CLICK on "discussion # 5" on the right-hand side of the blog. That's where you will find the material I am building so that you can read and view things about ROME!

    You can come back to THIS PLACE to post about ROME.

    Mrs. Esser and I are taking note of which travelers are proving to be the most faithful bloggers. We are noticing...and you'll be glad we are!

    Also, Mrs. Esser has a tip for you. START WALKING UP AND DOWN THE VARIOUS HILLS in New Ulm to get in shape for walking in Italy. We'll be leaving in mid-June. You have about ten and one-half months to get ready to walk around Italy. Get some good walking shoes and break them in!


  4. To me, Rome has many connotations: (first and foremost) the Vatican, Catholicism, the Church and Christendom, Latin and Italian, great food, beauty, astounding architecture and art, Romans (ancient), (Holy) Roman Empire, tradition and Tradition, and so much more.
    If I am correct, some of the streets in Rome (and other places I presume) are originals from the Roman Empire, as well as some sewers.

  5. I do have some questions that I would like to know (and others people as well I would think): What will the weather be like? specifically, how warm will it be in Italy? How often, when, and where are we going to Mass? Is there a certain dress code?
    I might have some questions later...

  6. When I think of Rome, I think of the center of our Church. My friend, who went to Rome a while ago, mentioned to me that it is a very nice city (country?)and how he even got to see the Pope. I think that would be very cool to see the leader of our Church.

  7. When I think of Rome, I think of the letters SPQR which stand for Senatus Populusque Romanus,which mean The Senate and People of Rome.

  8. When I hear the word "Rome" I think of fountains, gorgeous buildings, cobblestone streets, and of course, the Pope. I am also curious about the weather in Italy as John previously had asked^^. Another thing I have been wondering about is the hotel room. Will we be getting to choose whom we room with? Also, is it going to be 3 people to a room? I'm sure all of this will come up at our first meeting, but I'm just curious!

  9. I'm very Excited for Rome! I think it would be amazing to get to be in the same geographical location as the pope! Hopefully we can see him! I'm also excited to try gelato! Will we be visiting the Trevi Fountain?!

  10. Also, I cannot seem to locate my colored sheets, so would it be okay if i just jotted notes down on notebook paper?

  11. I can give you a new set of colored sheets. For now, jot down your ideas on paper. See me on the first day of school and ask for a new set of colored sheets, please. AM

    Did you know that gelato places are becoming popular in Minneapolis too? // I too am looking forward to the Italian version of ICE CREAM! I hear it's amazingly good! AM

  12. When I think of Rome I first think of the Pope. When my mom and brother went to Rome they said they got to see the pope, that would be fun. Another thing that comes to my mind when I think of Rome is the Trevi Fountain that would be a cool spot to visit! I can't wait to go on our trip!!

  13. The Borghese Gallery looks very interesting! It is amazing how many famous artists came from Italy! When I was on the website for the Roman churches I saw a link for catacombs. We literally just read a packet about the catacombs from the beginning of the catholic faith! I wonder how they constructed the Colosseum. It was built nearly two thousand years ago and it is 12 to 15 stories tall. How could they build such a large structure with the very little technology they had? I found it interesting that it was built to hold 50,000 spectators. That is very comparable to the athletic stadiums that are built today! I think I am looking forward to seeing the Colosseum the most!
